S. Henck uploaded to AmericaOnline the original Punkin Patch AfterDark module.
FROM S. HENCK: "You can create your own Jack-O-Lanterns with any 8-bit color paint program & paste them in the resource fork of this module with ResEdit. Be sure to keep them small so that the module doesn't take too much memory! The first pumpkin must have a resID of 2000 & the last pumpkin must be named "Last Punkin." Picture resource ID's must be sequential (2000,2001,2002, etc.). Enjoy!
FROM LiliMrlene: Steve modified his original module for me and changed his green vines to red ribbons so I could add these lovely Valentine's Day hearts for you! Thank you, Steve!
(psst..download his PunkinPatch module to see the original!) :)